The COVID-19 pandemic has the full potential to affect both our short-term and long-term health if we fail to plan ahead or to be aware. Over time, a major contributor to people falling off plan is the unexpected or unanticipated event, or stressor, that alters our lives and interferes with our daily routines. The reality, most of us will survive the COVID-19 threat but a minority will not. To improve our odds, we can direct our focus, during this major crisis, to developing an action plan to minimize the risks to ourselves and our families.
Have a Plan
Plan ahead to protect yourself since some people are infected with the COVID-19 virus but are unaware that they are infected.
• Avoid social contact to limit spread.
• Implement social distancing. According to the CDC (US Center for Disease Control) this means avoiding large gatherings and whenever possible, maintaining approximately 6 feet from others.1
• Plan on how to best clean surfaces and yourself upon returning from any time spent away from home.
Self-awareness and Self-care
• Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap for at least 20 seconds.
• Avoid touching your face.
• Avoid contact with anyone who is coughing, sniffling or appears sick. They may not have COVID-19, but they may.
Having self-awareness includes being sensitive and considerate if you feel sick. Specifically, if you have flu-like symptoms, including a cough, fever or have unexplained shortness of breath, you should isolate yourself, not go to work or put yourself in social situations. You should also contact your healthcare professional and get tested, if possible, in order not to spread this virus to others.
Long Term Health and Wellness
At CardioMender, MD we will do our best to honor our commitment to our patients’ long-term health, wellness and weight loss. A healthy diet and weight help to maintain our immune system, which is in charge of warding off and fighting infections.
At CardioMender, MD, we will remain fluid during these changing circumstances. Our immediate plan includes the following:
- For now, we will remain open our normal business hours.
- For any patients unable to come in weekly, we can provide multiple weeks of medications, including food, snacks and supplements.
- Our online store is an option to get food, snacks and supplements with FREE SHIPPING*.
- If you are struggling at any time, call our office at (954) 628-3802 or call Dr. Schiff directly on his cell phone at (954) 662-4194.
- We are in the process of testing a telemedicine solution to offer to each of our patients. Updates on this alternative will follow.
We will get past this, and hopefully without it affecting those we love. As much as we can be, the CardioMender, MD team will be available to support you in every way we can. We are truly all in this together.
* On domestic orders of $100 or more.