At Home B-12 Shots, Appetite Suppressants Curbside and More
These are challenging times as COVID-19 rips through our community and our nation. Many of us have self-quarantined, instituted social distancing and changed everyday patterns in order to protect ourselves and our families. These changes can make us anxious and stressed, and many of us eat when stressed. What can we do? Without easy solutions, we’re more likely to go ‘off the rails’ and begin to eat irresponsibly and become more sedentary.
“Given the extremely high rates of obesity …, we expect a high percentage of the population to be at greater risk of contracting coronavirus.”1 “Obesity-related conditions seem to worsen the effect of COVID-19.”1
In an attempt to meet our patients’ needs, CardioMender, MD has instituted some innovative changes and will continue to do so. Here is what is new and available now:
• Appetite Suppressants for Curbside Pick-up. Up to 4 cumulative weeks if you have been seen onsite within 3 months, subject to Practitioner approval.
• Vitamin B-12/Lipotropic Injections Shipped to You, if you have been seen on-site within a year.
• Vitamin B-12/Lipotropic Oral Capsules Shipped to You, if you have been seen on-site within a year.
• Curbside Pick-up or Shipped. Order Foods and Supplements On-line or Call for Help!
• Telemedicine and Online Support. Call our office at (954) 628-3802 to schedule a virtual encounter with Dr. Schiff.
• Free Shipping on domestic orders over $100. Shop our Online Store for Food, Snacks and Supplements.
Maintaining a connection is important to your success and your health. CardioMender, MD has been helping this community get and stay healthy for eleven years, emphasizing that we are in this together. We are here for you; Use Us! We truly care about you.